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(Expert Feature) 2 Important Reasons Why Businesses Should Blog Regularly

If you’re a business owner, it’s likely that you’ve heard that your company should be blogging.

Unfortunately, many owners don’t realize all the benefits to having a company blog.

The company website tends to be more static with information about the company, services, products and so on, but it typically doesn’t change that much.

A business blog gives you an opportunity to talk about more of the day-to-day information that you may have about your particular industry.

We each have knowledge – not company secrets of course – but information about industry trends, new products or even new uses for your products and services that others may not have thought about.

The company blog is an opportunity to talk about all of those things to people who are interested.

But the big question is, “So what? Why should I bother to blog?”

One thing you can use your blog for is to answer questions your customers always ask. This saves your staff from having to answer the same questions many times over, which saves you resources and employee time.

But really, your blog is so much more.

1. The Search Engines Love Blogs

Maybe your company would like more traffic and eyeballs going to your website. By having a blog that’s posted to on a regular basis, you give the search engines, like Google, more content to serve up to people who are searching for you.

Generally speaking, more is better, when it comes to your website. By having a blog that has lots of great quality articles, you automatically increase the number of pages that Google can index.

A website with 200 pages of content will (usually) get higher rankings than a website with only 10 pages.

The search engines – as well as your readers and customers – love fresh. If your website hasn’t been touched in two years and still has a 2009 copyright at the bottom, it’s stale.

Your readers know it, and the search engines know it. All things being equal, Google will generally serve up fresh content over stale content.

All the great content you’re producing generates links. We all know that we need links to our website to help with search engine rankings. The more good quality links you have built, the higher your website will show up on the search engine results pages.

If you’re writing great stuff, other people will naturally link to your great content.

This is called link bait, and it’s really the best way to build links. You can’t control it, and Google knows that. That’s why it works.

2. Online Conversations

If you’ve read Mike Moran’sDo It Wrong Quickly”, you’ll know that your customers are no longer content with information being pushed out to them. They want to have a two-way conversation about your products or services, and they will opt into that conversation if you give them a reason.

He says, “Unless you engage your customers in deciding to view your ads, and you can convince them to stick with your ads, they won’t see them. And they won’t get your message.”

The point is that you must engage your customers by having great content on your blogs. Your readers will consume your content and comment, even asking you more questions.

This brings a more personal face to your company and allows your customers to have conversations directly with you. Your other customers will read your comments, and as long as you’re responding with good answers, this helps elevate your company as being trustworthy and approachable.

Blogs provide so many benefits to companies that take the time to engage. If your company hasn’t decided to jump on board, it’s being left behind.


Photo by cambodia4kidsorg

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About Thomas Petty (47 Articles)
Thomas Petty is a Digital Marketing Trainer at Thomas Petty Digital Marketing Solutions. He is a popular blogger and speaker and has trained businesses from around the world in digital marketing, search engine optimization and WordPress.