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Expert Feature: 10 Ways To Get Found Online Today – Part 2

Getting found online isn’t just limited to search engine optimization of your website. There are many ways to get found easily by your potential customers, and this is Part 2 of a series.

seo in 2014

Seo is Dead

Last week I wrote about how online marketing has changed so drastically in the last couple years.

Having your website and fresh content in the form of articles is crucial.

I held a webinar just today, and told the audience that “SEO is dead” because there is no formulaic way to get to the top of the search engines any more. In fact, there is no top of the search engines at all.

So why bother?

Why Bother?

The point here is that with fresh content in the form of articles, it gives your readers something to consume. It shows you have knowledge, authority, and you understand the business that may be able to help them.

If you don’t, they’re going somewhere else, plain and simple.

The other piece to this is that your content can be leveraged into many different formats and reused to connect with lots of people on lots of different platforms.

For instance, you may be reading this directly on the blog. Perhaps you clicked a link in social media. That’s good too.


Email Marketing is Dead?

In the last year, at the prodding of my coach, I’m now a huge fan of promoting content via e-mail.

There has been talk that “e-mail marketing is dead” too. Yes and no. It’s harder to get your e-mails opened. We ALL have so many newsletters that we’ve subscribed to.

But if you’re providing valuable information, your readers will keep coming back for more. When they are actually ready to buy from you, they already understand you and your business, and the sale is easier.

Every single one of us has at least one e-mail address, and you probably have several. At one point, I had twelve. In order to get onto ANY social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, etc.), you have to have one thing – an e-mail address.

Permission Marketing at Its Best

So by repurposing your articles into content for your newsletter, you get double-duty from one system.

Let me be clear here: your entire article should never go into the e-mail.

Just give your readers an intro paragraph and a link to the article. Any good e-mail tool will track the clicks, so you can see how effective your articles are.

Many of the newer e-mail systems also help you in other ways to get found online. I’m a fan of Constant Contact, and have used it for years. (Click the link for a 2-month free trial if you’d like to try it out.) They’ve been adding new cool tools which I’m starting to take advantage of:


  • Allowing your readers to sign up by QR code and by texting (try texting GETFOUND to 22828 to see it in action)
  • Having a built-in gateway page for Facebook, allowing people to opt into your newsletter from Facebook
  • Setting up web versions of your newsletter so you can tweet or post in other forums for people to read

All this repurposing makes it easy to put the e-mail campaigns at the core of your online feeds, and generate leads.

It’s permission marketing at its best, and if people want to opt out, I’m not offended. I will continue to deliver quality content in my newsletters to those that want to read it.

Next week, we’ll talk about another way to get found online by those who are already searching for you.


Photo by Sean MacEntee

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About Thomas Petty (47 Articles)
Thomas Petty is a Digital Marketing Trainer at Thomas Petty Digital Marketing Solutions. He is a popular blogger and speaker and has trained businesses from around the world in digital marketing, search engine optimization and WordPress.

1 Comment on Expert Feature: 10 Ways To Get Found Online Today – Part 2

  1. thanks you for information. good job 🙂

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