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Origins of Top Businesses: How Did Five Guys Burgers And Fries Become Such A Success?

Have you heard of Five Guys Burgers and Fries?

I first heard of them, and tried them, originally when I lived in Falls Church, VA for a short period of time.

I was so glad when they began popping up here around the Bay Area in recent years.

Today’s post is all about this great restaurant.


This section of our site is called “Origins Of Top Businesses”.

It features interesting facts about the early years of well-known businesses.

These facts are given to you for fun and inspiration.

Fun because how many top businesses started out is really surprising.

Inspiring because it will help you as a business owner see that if they can do it, so can you.

Now for today’s facts:

five guys burgers and fries origin



  • Five Guys was founded in 1986 by Janie and Jerry Murrell.
  •  Jerry and the couple’s sons, Matt, Jim, Chad, and Ben are the original “Five Guys”.
  • Jerry and Janie gave their two eldest sons, Matt and Jim, some surprising advice. They said, “Start a business or go to college.” Matt and Jim said they didn’t want to go to college. Surprisingly, Jerry supported them in that decision.
  • He used their college tuition to open a burger restaurant.
  • Why a burger restaurant? Jerry did this because he believed a good hamburger-and-fry place could make it, so they started with a takeout shop in Arlington, Virginia.
  • The little burger joint quickly developed a cult-like following. Press paid attention. Customers voted the burger”#1″ in the metro area.
  • The Murrells had a fifth son, Tyler, two years later. He is now the 5th “Guy”.
  • Four more restaurants with sit-down seating were added to accommodate the growing clientele.
  • Early in 2003 Jerry and Janie, together with the five “guys”, began offering franchise opportunities.
  • In just under 18 months, Five Guys Enterprises sold options for over 300 units. 
  • Today all five sons, the current “Five Guys”, are involved: Matt and Jim travel the country visiting stores, Chad oversees training, Ben selects the franchisees, and Tyler runs the bakery.
  • The Bay Area now has 20 locations. You can find the closest one to you here.
  • What is their “secret to success”? Jerry gave a hint in a INC magazine article about “Five Guys”. He said, “We figure our best salesman is our customer. Treat that person right, he’ll walk out the door and sell for you.”


Sources: Wikipedia,, and

Photo by joo0ey

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.