The 3 Keys to Increased Focus, Efficiency, and Creativity
Video: What Are the “3 Keys”? Who Can They Help?
This 4:04 minute video explains how I stumbled upon these “3 keys” and it explains what type of person the “3 keys” can help the most.
3 keys sales videoFINAL from scott aughtmon on Vimeo.
NOTE: The recordings offered here will only be available until August 30th at 12pm PST.
Story: The One Act That Ensures Complete Attention
There is an ancient story about attention that a man called “Pliny the Elder“, a Roman writer who lived during the same time period as Jesus, once told.
He told a story of the setting of a massive obelisk, which when erected would stand 99 feet tall.
It was such a monumental task that 20,000 workers where chosen to pull on the ropes and activate the hoisting apparatus.
There was great responsibility and risk in the operation.
It would just take one error and the obelisk would fall, which would ruin years of work.
The King demanded one act which insured the complete attention and best direction of the engineer.
What was the one act which could ensure this?
He ordered the engineer’s own son to be strapped to the apex of the obelisk, so that the engineer’s heart as well as his head would be given to the task.
What would it take to get YOUR absolute focused attention?
Testimonial #1
“Scott Aughtmon’s 3 keys are easy, yet effectual steps to help with time management professionally and personally. When I actively implement these keys, my life feels more organized, which in turn, helps me get more done in my day, making me (and my family) happier. I would recommend this to people who are looking for simple changes to help feel more accomplished.”
– Stacy Goyhenetche
Henry Ford: This is the Weakness of Us All
Let’s face it.
We live in an age of increase.
Everything is bigger and better.
Except for one thing: our attention spans.
Henry Ford once said, “A weakness of all human beings is trying to do too many things at once. That scatters effort and destroys direction. It makes for haste, and haste makes waste. So we do things all the wrong ways possible before we come to the right one.”
Too many things are pulling at us these days.
There are too many things to distract us.
Let’s be honest.
- It’s not a lack of opportunity that holds us back in most cases, it’s that many times we don’t see the opportunity that’s right in front of us.
- It’s not a lack of time that keeps us from getting our work done, it’s the fact that we can’t decide what’s the most important thing that we should be focused on. (It is a flaw in a business setting, but it’s “fatal” in our personal lives.)
- It’s not that the problems that we’re facing are insurmountable, it’s that we don’t have the time to think about them and come up with the solutions to these problems.
We all are so busy that we wish we had more time to see the opportunities, decide what’s important, and come up with more solutions to our problems.
It’s just that we can’t seem to find the time.
But what if your problem isn’t that you don’t have enough time?
Time Management is Not the Real Issue
More time.
It’s the thing that we’re all chasing after, but I have become convinced that we’re chasing after the wrong thing.
Our problem is NOT with time management.
Our problem is with ATTENTION Management.
The tools, luxuries, and benefits of our modern lives that were supposed to add to our lives have ended up distracting us from the important things in life.
It’s not our time that we need to manage better.
It’s our attention.
When we manage our attention better, THEN we’ll manage our time better.
And here’s the good news.
Trying to manage our time can seem overwhelming and complicated.
But managing our attention doesn’t have to be like that.
In fact, I’ve come across three simple things that will help any of us to become more focused, more effective, and more creative.
Testimonial #2
“I have applied the 1st and 2nd keys and have had some great mental planning times and epiphanies! My husband and I have also applied the 1st key together and it has been some of our greatest connections.”
– Pamela Maddox
Introducing the “The 3 Keys to Increased Focus, Efficiency & Creativity”…
These three simple things are not just something I made up.
I discovered them.
1. The first key is something that many of the “Greats” from the past implemented daily in their lives.
2. The second key is based on an ancient concept which was unknowingly implemented by one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century.
3. The third key is based on a mindset that both modern productivity experts and an ancient group of people agree upon.
These three keys are NOT like your typical time management system.
In fact, the interesting thing about these three keys is:
- They DON’T require more work or effort on your part. In fact it requires less.
- They DON’T require you to memorize some new time management system. They can be easily remembered once you learn them.
- They DO require you to do what the majority of our 24/7, non-stop world doesn’t do.
- They’re not difficult things. They’re just overlooked by most people.
- They DO require you to relax and slow down.
I’ve taken these three keys and I’ve recorded a 38:59 minute video explaining WHAT they are, WHY they are so important and HOW to implement them in your life.
Here are some of the things you’ll discover in these recordings:
- The connection Benjamin Franklin has with time management systems
- How/why ancient people cared more about time than we do
- The most important thing that all successful people seem to do
- A surprising activity that many successful people do that a Stanford study has confirmed the importance of
- How you can find 3-5 extra hours of time every week
- The simple activities you should do during these extra hours that can help you to not only be more focused and creative, but could also help you sleep better at night
- Einstein’s secret source of insight
- Two productivity lessons from ancient Hebrew (one has to do with a cow chewing it’s cud and the other has to do with their concept of days)
- The reason why we’re currently not able to be more focused, effective, and creative
- And other important concepts and perspectives
If this recording sounds like something that could be helpful to you, then read below to learn how to get access to it now…
How much can you get this recording for?
I’ve seen some time management workshops go for $399.
I’ve seen some time management products go for $97
I wanted to come up with a fair price to ask for this recording, but still keep it inexpensive enough that it’s not some major life decision.
For that reason, I decided to offer two different options.
Option #1
In this first option, you’ll have access to learn about the “3 keys” in an AUDIO recording for just $36.
You’ll get access to the MP3 of the audio from the video.
That means you can download and listen to the same content on your phone or MP3 player.
(*It’s less expensive than a pair of shoes or a tank of gas.)
Option #1 “Extras”
You can also have these EXTRAS to make it an even better deal.
1. How to Live on 24 Hours a Day BOOK: I’ll include a .PDF of this classic book from 1910 by Arnold Bennett. (*I quoted from it in this post.) It is one of his most popular non-fiction works, which is still read to this day. (After reading it over again, I see that it’s a great supplemental resource to go along with my recording.)
2. Your Employees Can Access It At No Additional Cost: As an added benefit, I’ll allow any business owner to share their access to all of this information with the staff or employees who work for their business. That means you don’t have to purchase multiple copies of this recording if you would like to share this information with your team. (*Just please don’t give it to other business owners.)
Option #2
In this second option, you’ll have access to learn about the “3 keys” in a VIDEO recording for just $56.
You’ll also get access to the MP3 of the audio from this video. That means that, besides watching the video, you can also download and listen to the same content on your phone or MP3 player.
Not only that, I’ll also include the .PDF of my notes. You will also get access to the unedited notes I used to create the video. This will give you a third way to digest this content – by reading it.
(*That’s equivalent to the cost of a dinner and a movie for two.)
Option #2 “Extras”
You’ll get all of the EXTRAS from Option #1:
1. How to Live on 24 Hours a Day BOOK: I’ll include a .PDF of this classic book from 1910 by Arnold Bennett. (*I quoted from it in this post.) It is one of his most popular non-fiction works, which is still read to this day. (After reading it over again, I see that it’s a great supplemental resource to go along with my recording.)
2. Your Employees Can Access It At No Additional Cost: As an added benefit, I’ll allow any business owner to share their access to all of this information with the staff or employees who work for their business. That means you don’t have to purchase multiple copies of this recording if you would like to share this information with your team. (*Just please don’t give it to other business owners.)
And I’ll also include this additional extra…
3. Audio and Video in Four Parts: You’ll have access to the audio and video broken down for you in “bite size” chunks (approx. 9-10 minutes). That means if you don’t have a lot of extra time to sit down and listen to (or watch) the whole recording, then you don’t have to listen/watch part of it and try to find your place again later. You can listen/watch one part, and then go back and listen to part 2, then come back for the next, etc.
Here’s How to Access the Recording and the Extras Now
This recording will help you to learn how to manage your attention better and in that way manage your time better.
I believe I am offering you a very easy way to increase your focus, help you to be more effective, and boost your creativity all for an extremely fair price.
With the “extras” and the guarantee (below), I have tried to make this as risk-free as possible.
If it sounds like something that would be a help to you, then choose the option that you want below and click the “Buy Now” button beneath that option…
- Audio of the recording
- Plus extras: How to Live on 24 Hours a Day BOOK & ability for employees to access it.
Click the button below to purchase the AUDIO recording ONLY and the two extras for only $36.
Option #2
- Video and audio of the recording and the PDF of my notes.
- The Option #1 extras: How to Live on 24 Hours a Day BOOK & ability for employees to access it.
- Plus Option #2 extra: The video and audio cut into “bite size” pieces.
Click the button below to purchase the AUDIO recording ONLY and the two extras for only $56.
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My Guarantee
I am very confident that if you watch or listen to this recording and apply the 3 simple keys that you’ll see results.
But I don’t want you to worry about ordering it and not being happy.
If you watch or listen to this recording, apply these 3 keys, but don’t see results that you’re satisfied with, then please ask me for your money back!
I’ll give you a refund right away. I don’t want to keep your money, if you don’t feel you got what you paid for it.
You can take your time to see what results you get. You have up to 60 days to watch this video and apply what you discover.
If at that point you still would like a refund, for any reason, then please let me know.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.