Social Medi-huh?
If you are a small business owner and don’t really understand what social media is about, then check this out…
“Social media is the latest buzzword around the net. Every weekend I come across a new social media tool, website, or service. I spent this past weekend sorting out my social media campaigns, and to be honest it took hours. Some of the tools I picked weren’t working they way they were promoted. Some worked too well, filling my social media channels with meaningless clutter. I turned off these latter offenders.”
“I had to ask, ‘If I’m getting bogged down in the social media universe, and I’m a professional, what does this new communication system look like to a business owner? Why should a business owner spend the time, or hire someone like me, to build an online presence if they perceive social media as a time-ravenous maze?’ Too many ‘next big things’ come across my desk every day, and if I jumped into every one, I would never get to the business of running my business. I believe many business owners have similar reservations.”
This article goes on to share 5 great “Hows” that will show you how you can begin using social media.