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What Can You Learn From These Things That 10 Bay Area Restaurateurs Track?

We’ve got something different for you with this post and the next one.

We want you to read these next two articles and let them inspire you and give you ideas of how you can apply what you read to your business.

Check out this first article called “Bay Area restaurateurs: We’re keeping tabs on you” by Jackie Burrell and let it inspire you to begin keeping better track of your top customers so you can make them feel as comfortable at their favorite restaurants do


“Wondering how much information Bay Area restaurants keep on you? Ten local chefs, restaurateurs, maitre’ds and floor managers have shared their tales of notes, debriefings and secret codes below.”

“They say that keeping tabs on their regulars is part of building a community, of making their customers feel loved and cared for — and ensuring they return, which is no small feat in an area blessed with so many good restaurants and an economy that is not exactly thriving.”

“In New York there’s a seemingly limitless supply of freshly minted investment bankers and new law school grads eager to dine out every night. But in a smaller city like Berkeley, “there’s only so much pie,” says Jason Kwon, the chef at Berkeley’s Joshu-ya Brasserie.”

Click here to continue reading and learn how Kwon did a “180” in February and doubled his business on


After you read the article come back and answer these questions:

  • Do you know who the “regulars” are in your business? 
  • Do you know who your “VIPs” are?
  • How do you currently track these customers?
  • What’s one way you can improve this tracking based on what you read?
  • What information do you track?
  • What new information will you begin tracking based on what these restaurateurs do?
  • How can you be more aware of the preferences of these customers so you can cater to their needs/desires more effectively?
  • What are other ideas can you borrow from this industry and apply to yours?

Photo by toolmantimtoolmantim

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.