How A Local Retailer Used Content Marketing To Create A National Chain Which Later Sold For $87 Million
Sometimes it takes seeing a real-life, concrete example before you feel confident enough to implement a strategy.
Maybe that’s what’s been keeping you from implementing content marketing in your business.
If that describes you, then check out this post called “This 7-Step Content Marketing Plan Earned an $87 Million Paycheck” by Roger C. Parker. You’ll learn from Roger’s behind-the-scenes experience with a Seattle retailer that later became a successful national chain of stores…
“In a recent interview, Marcus Sheridan referred to content marketing as the ‘weapon Davids use to slay Goliaths every day.’“
‘Marcus’s words resonated deeply with me. That’s because, long before content marketing came of age, I watched it help a David Seattle retailer slay its Goliath competitors and go on to an $87 million buyout and a nationwide presence.”
“Although the internet was not available when the story takes place, the 7-step content marketing plan that worked then can still work today for you and your clients.”
“When I was recruited from Boston to Seattle to be Magnolia Hi-Fi’s advertising manager, it had recently transitioned from a neighborhood greeting card and photography store into an audio specialty store.”
“I was the store’s third non-family employee. My responsibilities included helping the store deal with the price competition that’s always been a big part of consumer electronics retailing and develop a foundation for a solid, profitable marketing plan.”
It was a blank slate. The store was doing little or no advertising, other than occasional advertisements in a free local neighborhood weekly newspaper.
Here’s the content marketing plan that changed everything.
Photo by jurvetson
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