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The Way You Can Uncover The Business Lessons Everyone Else Misses

I came across about a powerful lesson Judith Swanson once shared in an issue of Reader’s Digest.

It’s a lesson about learning that most people who go through our education system totally miss.

learning from observation and from others

Judith says that from the first day she entered her ninth-grade health class, one blackboard was covered with the names and locations of the major bones and muscles of the human body.

She said that the diagram stayed on the board throughout the whole term, even though the teacher never ever referred to it.

That’s why what happen on the last day of class was so shocking to all of the students.

You see, on the day of the final exam, they came to class to find the board completely wiped clean.

The ONE test question was: “Name and locate every major bone and muscle in the human body.

The class protested together: “But we never studied that!

The teacher replied simply, “That’s no excuse. The information was there for months.”

Judith then said that they all struggled with the test for a long while, not realizing the teacher was about to teach them a powerful lesson about life and learning.

The teacher collected the papers and did something unexpected. He tore them up!

He then said these powerful words to the students, “Always remember that education is more than just learning what you are told.” 


Are You Learning Something New About Your Business Every Day?

My mind is wired in a way that every single day I am learning something new or relearning something.

I learn from things I read.

I learn from shows I watch.

I learn from things I hear.

One of the things I especially like learning from is from observing others.


As Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourself.

That is how I discovered the 9 challenges that successful businesses overcome.

I wasn’t told them directly.

I discovered them after coaching different business owners.

I could see that every business owner, no matter what size business, had the same challenges.

And I could see in the successful businesses all around us, that they have succeeded because they learned how to overcome these challenges.


Learn From Observing Others

Have you noticed the challenges that business owners around you are facing?

I bet that on a basic level they are not that different from the ones you’re facing.

Make a list of the basic challenges you face and begin looking at the other business around you and see if they have them too. 

Not only that, look for ways they’ve overcome those challenges and see if you can do the same thing.

The only way you can uncover the business lessons that everyone else is missing is by learning from observation. 

WHY? Because many of the business lessons you need to know aren’t plainly pointed out and explained.


Your Personal “Cheat Sheet”

If you’d like a “cheat sheet”, so you don’t have to discover the 9 challenges on your own, then here’s what you can do.

I’ll actually tell you what they are so you don’t accidentally overlook any of the challenges and “show up” without knowing the answers.

Go to the post below and read about how you can be one of the 24 business owners that get to be a part of my 9 free one-hour webinars this summer.

Click here to read more and see how to be a part, so you don’t lose your spot.


Photo by p_a_h

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.