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Expert Feature: 3 Simple Steps To Getting Unstuck In Your Business (VIDEO)

No matter how long you have been self-employed or how successful you are, every entrepreneur has the potential to get stuck in a rut.

Instead if making excuses, blaming someone else or wallowing in self-pity... do something about it.

Watch as I share 3 simple tips that will get your wheels turning, motivate you and inspire you to get out of whatever rut is holding you back in your small business.

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About Sydni Craig-Hart (30 Articles)
Sydni Craig-Hart, Your Smart Simple Marketing Coach, is co-founder of Known for helping her clients to implement an easy, strategic and results-focused approach to small business marketing, she also has the unique ability to find untapped profit centers in her client's businesses so they can create money NOW. Visit for your FREE 5-point checklist to get more clients and increase your income, even when you have no time!

1 Comment on Expert Feature: 3 Simple Steps To Getting Unstuck In Your Business (VIDEO)

  1. Sydni,

    Hi. You are on to some great ideas here for getting out of a rut and taking action. I really like idea #3. It’s so true that you needn’t know the whole plan to get moving. This idea can shake analysis paralysis, which is a habit of perfectionists. One idea I’d like to share that helps me get unstuck when I feel like there is just too much going on is to stop, take a deep breath, then do a brain dump.

    What are all the things I need to handle currently. I write them all down. Just doing that makes me feel better. Next, I just pick one item and start mowing through the list. This helps me every time. Anyway, thanks and looking forward to more of your lessons!

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