The Surprising Reason Why You Don’t Do Things On Your “To Do” List
Do you have a “To Do” list for today?
You do? That’s a great first step.
Now let me ask you another question: How many of those “to dos” have you actually done?
Why are you being so quiet?
Don’t worry. If you have a lot of them still waiting to be checked off, don’t feel bad.
You’re not alone.
A large percentage of people have the same problem.
If you want to know why and what you can do about this common problem, then check out the post below.
It’s called “Is Your To-Do List Really About What You Intend To Do?” by Laura Vanderkam and it will show you the real reason for this problem and the solution to overcoming it…
“I’m a big believer in the to-do list. Every night I create a list of what I intend to do the next day, and it turns out I’m not the only one. A 2012 LinkedIn survey found that over 60% of professionals reported creating to-do lists, though curiously, only 11% of people said they actually got through everything on their lists. Research from IDoneThis, a service that lets teams share their accomplishments, found that when they had a to-do feature, 41% of to dos were never completed. And only 15% of “dones” actually started as “to dos.”
“In other words, our to-do lists often have little to do with our lives…”
Photo by robstephaustralia
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