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Expert Feature: Star Reviews for Brands on Facebook are Coming!

Just this week, we noticed star reviews showing up on some business pages on Facebook.

Have you seen them on your page yet?

Facebook is previewing the 5-star system on select brand pages, just under the name of the business at the top of the timeline.

Here’s an example:

facebook star reviews

Evidently, Facebook is testing this feature on its desktop version and has been collecting ratings for a long time.

I remember rating local businesses on the left side of my “wall” before the timeline was released, and I was always puzzled about why this information was being collected.

Star reviews have been available on the mobile version of Facebook for a long time as well.

And now, here they are on the desktop!


A Benefit To Businesses And Consumers

Is this Facebook’s play to compete with Yelp!, FourSquare and other online ratings sites for local businesses?

TechCrunch, iA Like Is Not Enough: Facebook Tests Star Ratings Displayed On Pages, received an update from Facebook:

We’re extending star ratings on Facebook from mobile to desktop – to make it easier for people to discover great businesses around them. This is beneficial for both businesses and consumers. Star ratings encourage more people to rate a business, making it eligible to appear in News Feed and help others discover a business they didn’t know about previously. For businesses themselves, this also leads to greater brand awareness.

As you may recall, star ratings launched in early 2012 with the introduction of Nearby on mobile. Now we’re bringing the visibility of star ratings to a more prominent spot at the top of Pages’ timeline on desktop and to the preview in News Feed.


How Will This Change Things For You?

Now, brands have a lot to think about with respect to their Facebook pages.


  • If people can simply rate a page, how will brands act differently to gain positive reviews?
  • Will customer service become the focus of more pages?
  • Will brands make offers that entice people to write positive reviews (and will Facebook allow such activities?)?

How do you think star reviews will affect your business’s Facebook page?


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About Melanie Yunk (50 Articles)
Melanie Yunk, President, Roaring Pajamas Melanie Yunk started working as a social media and search engine optimization consultant early in 2009, when she founded Roaring Pajamas, a digital marketing agency in Northern California. Melanie is passionate about helping businesses market their products and services online. She brings more than 20 years of marketing, engineering and content experience to clients from various industries, including search engines, construction, retail, B2B, wholesale, heavy duty trucks, authors and more. Melanie previously founded Melanie's Fine Foods after purchasing Big Acres® Gourmet Sauces where she expanded the line to be distributed nationwide and in Canada. She also founded Yunk Consulting where she assisted software and semiconductor companies in implementing international standards for electronic databooks that she also helped developed while working at Intel Corporation. Her earliest career began at Honeywell Commercial Flight Systems where she worked on the Boeing 777 and MD11 cockpit projects. She continues to write on the Roaring Pajamas Blog and also as a guest blogger writing about all natural and gourmet foods. Melanie volunteers as a Board Member for the San Carlos Chamber of Commerce and former President of the Advisory Board for the Rosalie Rendu Center in East Palo Alto. She lives in San Carlos with her husband Kent and two Cornish Rex cats.