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Expert Feature: 10 Ways To Get Found Online Today – Part 1

Search engine optimization or SEO isn’t the only way to get found online by people who are looking for your business. Successful business owners actually have 10 or more options available to them to get found by their potential customers.

how to be found online in 2014

It’s the new year, and my phone has been ringing like crazy with people wanting to know if I can “SEO their website” or search engine optimize it.

Well, yes and no.

The truth is that “SEO” or optimizing a website for the search engines to show up has drastically changed in the last dozen months or so.

I’ve written about Panda and Penguin before, and how it’s changed the way we do things.

The other thing is that search engine optimization isn’t the magic bullet that will bring adoring fans in droves to your website hoping they can throw money at you.

Nope, it’s just not.

The truth is that there are MANY ways to get found online, and to be effective online marketers, you have to employ most or all of them.

People want to consume your content in different ways, on different devices at different times.

This will be a series of three articles discussing different avenues to generate eyeballs and the elusive adoring, money-throwing fans that you so desire.

It’s a given that you have to have a good quality, professionally designed, website that has had the basic search engine optimization tools applied to it.

The website is the core of what you need, and it should be a lead generating tool, not just a corporate brochure.

I held a two hour webinar just yesterday talking about all the things businesses need to incorporate into their website.

Assuming you have the website that has good calls-to-action and generates leads, what else is there?

Unfortunately that’s just the beginning.

Fresh Content Is Crucial To Success

Next, your website has to have a constant stream of fresh content. Typically this is in the form of blog posts, or I prefer to just call them “articles”.

“Blog posts” sounds so nerdy. It’s really just an article that is meant for other people to read and learn.

These articles have a several crucial roles:


  1. They can be optimized for more niche keyword phrases that your website may not be found for
  2. They generate social media posts (hint, there’s another way to get found online)
  3. They can be re-purposed into other formats, like videos, press releases, or newsletter fodder (another hint)

The content you create is crucial to generate interest in your business and the services you offer, because it creates interest from a variety of places.

People can consume it in different places, and it gives you the opportunity to have a conversation with them.

Just like at the bottom of this article, you can leave a comment or ask a question, and have a conversation with me.

If you’d like to discover the number one mistake successful business make when they market online, please go to my Facebook page and like it to get our special report.

Next week, we’ll talk about another way to get found online and how powerful it can be.


Photo by  DieselDemon

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About Thomas Petty (47 Articles)
Thomas Petty is a Digital Marketing Trainer at Thomas Petty Digital Marketing Solutions. He is a popular blogger and speaker and has trained businesses from around the world in digital marketing, search engine optimization and WordPress.