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Do You Have Auto-Preemption Syndrome? Read On To See…

Not too long ago I share a post about trained fleas.

The gist of it was that we limit ourselves by putting boundaries or barriers that may no longer be there.

You might be doing this.

It’s what Barry Schuler calls “Auto-Preemption Syndrome”.

Check out this post called “The One Behavior That Guarantees Failure” by Barry Schuler and see if you have it…


“I once sat on the board of a company that was trying to reconfigure the financial relationship that it had with its customers. The CEO was trying to transition from a work-for-hire model to one in which his company co-owned the products it produced and could resell them to other customers. 

“‘They will never agree to those terms,’ the CEO told me. ‘We have tried many times to get it from other customers. No one ever accepts it.'”

“‘So  are you unwilling to even put it on the table?’ I asked. His silence gave me my answer. ‘OK, I understand,’ I said. ‘But this problem is not about them; it’s about you.'”

Click here to continue reading and learn what Auto-Preemption Syndrome is why this CEO had it on


Photo by  Sweet Carolina Photography

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.