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BBH Feature: Three Simple Reasons Your Customers May Not Be Doing Business With You

Before I get started with the article, we’re hosting a free webinar:Are You Getting Leads From Your Website? 3 Reasons Your Customers Aren’t Doing Business With Youon November 11, at 9:00 a.m. PST/12:00 noon EST.

Be sure to register for it so you can hear more about this topic live! You’ll learn three common reasons why your website may be making it hard for your customers to do business with you, how to easily identify the problem areas and what to do to fix them.

trying to capture leads

If your website isn’t generating leads for your business, you may have some fundamental problems that prevent people from doing business with you.

One of the most important marketing tools that you have available to you is your website.

It’s one of the very first things that people look at to check you out before deciding to do business with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a non-profit, for-profit, B2B (business-to-business) or B2C (business-to-consumer) type business.

Your website is (or should be) the core of all your online marketing collateral:

  • Social media like Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and so on should all link to your website
  • Your e-mail marketing campaigns should be linking to your website and/or blog
  • Your paid ads (like Google Adwords) will go to your website
  • Any search engine optimization (SEO) that you’ve done will lead people from the search engines back to your website
  • Etc.

Unfortunately, that’s where things break down in many cases.

Do you find that your website isn’t generating leads for you?
You’re getting traffic, clicks, visits, but nothing happens?
Your phone doesn’t ring, and maybe people don’t fill out your newsletter form or contact us form?

So what’s the problem?

I’ve looked at thousands of websites, and more often than not, many websites fail to do an effective job at capturing leads.

Visitors and traffic to your website don’t do you any good at all.

It’s worthless.

It’s only when people decide to get in touch with you either by phone, e-mail or through social media can you then engage with them to do business.

The Three Fundamental Reasons Your Website is Losing Leads

Most websites have at least one of these three fundamental problems that cause visitors to use the “Back” button and go elsewhere.

This means you’re losing business and missing potential leads from people who may actually want to do business with you.

1) Ineffective Call-to-Actions (CTAs)

A call-to-action is an invitation for visitors to do something to interact with you.

Every single page on your website and blog must have a single, primary CTA.

What do YOU want people to do? Call you? Make sure your phone number is at the top of every page.

Sign up for your newsletter? Again, is it easily visible on every page?

Some website have too many CTAs.

This leads to confusion, indecision, and ultimately people leave because there were too many choices!

Do you have a lot of social media buttons mixed in with all your CTAs? Ugh.

2) Mobile-Aware Problems

Look at your website on every platform: desktop, laptop, tablet and smart phone.

If you don’t have an example of all of them at your disposal, you can use this free tool from QuirkTools to test your website.

Do your CTAs work on all devices, and more importantly, are they visible?

I guarantee that 20-30% of your visitors to your website are on mobile devices.

One of my clients (a restaurant) gets a whopping 55% of all web traffic from mobile devices, and 45% of all traffic is from cell phones!

If your website isn’t mobile-aware, you’re probably losing customers because your non-mobile-aware website is difficult to use on a small screen.

The visitor has to pinch and squeeze, and try to click your tiny menu to navigate.

Did you know that you can even program your phone number on your website so a cell phone can just touch it and call?

It’s a very simple fix that we’ll demonstrate in the upcoming free webinar, and your visitors will thank you!

3) No Trust-Building Factors

If people don’t trust you, they won’t give you money. It’s that easy.

Do everything you can to build trust with your visitors so they know that you’re someone that lots of people know, like and trust.

Some examples include:

  • Yelp badge showing how many 5-star reviews you have
  • Better Business Bureau logo that actively links back to your profile
  • Hacker safe logos that show your website has been scanned and declared “safe”
  • A testimonials page that’s optimized so people find it in Google (we’ll show you how to do this in the webinar! It’s so cool, and it works.)

Free Webinar

I hope you’ll join me on our free webinar on this very subject. It’s Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific/12:00 noon Eastern.

I’m going to demonstrate exactly how to set all this up for your business so you can use it yourself and start generating more leads!

Register Now! »

About Thomas Petty (47 Articles)
Thomas Petty is a Digital Marketing Trainer at Thomas Petty Digital Marketing Solutions. He is a popular blogger and speaker and has trained businesses from around the world in digital marketing, search engine optimization and WordPress.