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Our Five Most Popular Posts for 2015

Our 5 Most Popular Posts 2015 - BBH

Here are our 5 most popular posts for the year:

I) 4 Ways to Generate Leads That You May Not Have Thought Of
by Thomas Petty

Small Business Owners: You’re NOT Alone

97% of all businesses in the United States are small businesses, as defined by the Small Business Association.

That means that there are approximately 30 million small businesses. If you’re a business owner, chances are excellent that you own a small business.

One of the hardest things about owning a small business is getting people to notice you.In the ocean of 30 million “fish”, you have to do something to rise above all the noise and get people to engage.

It doesn’t mean you need to be #1 above all the rest. Not at all.

You just need to attract your ideal client to you, especially when they’re interested in what you have to offer.

Advertising is a way to get your message out to the masses when 99% of them don’t care about your stuff, but hoping it “sticks” to someone somewhere.

Instead, what I prefer is to attract only those that have an interest in your products or services. One thing to remember is that most of those who are interested, are not ready to buy.

So if you try to “sell” them right away, you’re going to turn them off.

By getting them to engage with a small commitment, you can woo with them over time,  and when they’re actually ready to buy, they’ll do so at that time.

This in a nutshell is called “lead generation”. You generate leads, keep them interested, and they’ll eventually buy from you.

But there’s the rub.

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II) 2 Stories Of George Washington And The Power Of Humility
by Scott Aughtmon

Power and success can impress certain people.

But there is something even more impressive to all people: humility.

As you lead in your small business consider these two stories of George Washington to inspire you to lead with humility.

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III) Mobile Phones at the Dinner Table – Acceptable or Etiquette Nightmare?
by Melanie Yunk

Do you bring your cell phone to the dinner table at home or in a restaurant?

Do you answer calls or text at the table? How about participating in a conference call while seated in a quiet cafe? Perhaps you’re not the culprit, but you’ve been disturbed by someone else and their public displays of business, child rearing or family gossip.


I must admit that I’m somewhat torn about this topic. As a social media consultant, I encourage people to check-in to businesses, look for online deals, take pictures and upload them to Instagram, tweet, etc.

However, I’m finding that often people in public places on their cell phones are becoming more annoying to me. In my opinion, we need some formal rules of etiquette and also businesses, especially restaurants and cafes, should take a stand.

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IV) 4 Simple Ways To Increase Your Retail Sales From Walk-In Customers (VIDEO)
Postsed by Scott Aughtmon

This video contains some really great tips to improve your retails when someone walks into your store.

You’ll discover 4 things you can do to improve your sales and feel more comfortable with having your employees approach any visitors…

Click here to watch the video.

V) 10 Famous Business People Who Are Former U.S. Marines
Posted by Scott Aughtmon

In honor of Veterans Day, we thought we would create a list of 10 famous business people who served in the United States Marine Corps. We are thankful to all of them and to all the lesser known veterans from all branches of the military who have served our country. Thank you to all our Veterans!

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.