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Here’s How to Keep Up with SEO in 2017 (SLIDESHOW)

 SEO in 2017

Google is always changing the rules on how they decide what type of pages will show up for the keywords that people are searching for. That means you will need to continue paying attention to how S.E.O. (Search Optimization) is changing.

If  you want your website to show up in the search engines in 2017, then check out this great slide deck from Rand Fishkin from Moz

Keeping Up With SEO in 2017 & Beyond

About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.