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Is Gen Z The Most Entrepreneurial Generation Ever? (INFOGRAPHIC)

We’ve got a cool infographic for you today from which shows that Gen Z is looking for something Millennials have lacked – lucrative career paths that don’t come with a mountain of debt.

Before we show you the infographic let’s give you a little background and content…

Gen Z And Entrepreneurship

Raised during the Great Recession and the Student Loan Crisis, Gen Zers are looking for lucrative career paths that don’t come with a mountain of debt.

Gen Z Plans for the Future

Born after 1996, Gen Z includes 61 million Americans 一 and the oldest members are entering college and the workforce.

College: Gen Zers Won’t Be Sunk by Debt

In 2017, 44 million Americans had student loan debt, totaling $1.4 trillion.

How will Gen Z pay for college?

  • 76% of Gen Zers already earn their own money through part-time work
  • 38% plan to work during college
  • 24% plan to pay for college through personal savings
  • 21% of Gen Zers had a savings account before age 10

Because of all of this…

Workforce: Gen Zers Will Make Their Own Work

Millennials turned to “side gigs” to make ends meet 一 Gen Z is focused on working for themselves and only themselves.

Check out the infographic below to learn more about what makes Gen Z so entrepreneurial…

Doing It Their Way: Gen Z and Entrepreneurship

About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.