The Secrets to Getting a Job at or After 50 (INFOGRAPHIC)
Ageism is Rampant
Whether companies want to admit it or not, there is an excepted prejudice or discrimination that’s going on in the corporate world. It’s the a discrimination known as “ageism.”
According to, ageism is…
Definition of ageism : prejudice or discrimination against a particular age-group and especially the elderly
Many people who are 50 years old or older are finding it hard to get a job. They are being looked over simply because of their age.
In research that was done by AARP, they found that “64% of older workers (defined as 45-74 years old) say that they have either seen or personally experienced ageism in the workplace.”
(You can download a PDF of the complete results of their research by clicking here.)
How to Get a Job After 50
So the question is: What are the tricks to getting a job after 50? Well, thanks to thanks to, you can learn some of the secrets to finding a job after 50 in the infographic below…
Re-imagining Your Career Past 50 (INFOGRAPHIC)
Since 4 in 5 Baby Boomers expect to keep working rather than retire due to financial necessity, this infographic reveals how people over 50 can get a job by focusing on three main things:
- Grey-preneurs
- The Gig Ecomony
- Tips on Overcoming Ageism
To learn more check out the infographic below…
(NOTE: If you’d like to know about a book on how to get a job after 50, then check out the recommendation below the infographic.)

Book Recommendation
If you’d like to a recommendation on a new book you can read to learn more about this subject then, here is a suggestion for you:
Never Too Old to Get Rich: The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Starting a Business Mid-Life 1st Edition (This is a brand new book on how to get a job after 50 and it will be released on June 25, 2019.)
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