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85 Ways to Get Your Content to Reach More People

The Overlooked Key to Effective Content Marketing: Content Distribution

If you are frustrated with your content marketing, then you’re going to be happy you’ve come across this post today.

Why? Because you’re about to learn about a very important part of the content marketing puzzle that many people who are creating content are completely overlooking. 

The overlooked part of content marketing that I am talking about is something known as content distribution.

Neil Patel describes the importance of content distribution like this…

” We all know that the golden rule to content marketing is ‘provide value.’ Many people don’t realize this is just the first part of a two-part rule. The second part is ‘deliver your content to the people who will find it valuable.’ With the ridiculous amount of information and resources available on the web today, you now have to hand deliver your information to your audience.

Neil Patel

That means that if you’re not focusing on content distribution — or if you have no plan on how to distribute your content, so that people actually see it — then you will keep being frustrated with your content marketing results.

That’s why the post below is so important. It will give you many different ways you can distribute your content and make sure it’s seen by more people.

IMPORTANT: Don’t be intimidated by how big this list is. Just choose 3-5 new ways to try. Once you try those, then you can try 3-5 more ways.

85 Content Distribution Tips To Reach Your Largest Audience

The excerpt you’re about to see is from the website

It’s called 85 Content Distribution Tips To Reach Your Largest Audience and it was written by Ross Simmonds co-founder of Hustle & Grind, a lifestyle brand for entrepreneurs.

Here’s what Ross Simmonds says…

Ross Simmonds

“If you want to see the benefits of content marketing, then you need to embrace two things.

“The first is creating great content. We all know this. It’s why 77% of marketers increased their content marketing budget between 2014 and 2015.

“The second thing you need to do is something that most people overlook.

“It’s the act of distribution.

Content distribution is an important piece of the content marketing puzzle but one that is often overlooked. Too many marketers press publish and expect that that magically the content will take off. It doesn’t work that way.

“Unless you’ve built a following that is engaged and waiting for your next piece – you have to put in a bit of elbow grease and spread your content. In this blog post, I’m going to share more than 80 different tactics that you can use to make your content spread.

“Let’s get to it…”


P.S. If you want to learn more about content marketing, then you should check out our over 100 other articles on the subject of content marketing. Click here to find some more to read.

P.P.S. At BBH, we routinely provide you with excerpts of important posts we believe you won’t want to miss.

We do this for two reasons: 1) We want to save you time. 2) We want to reward great writers/websites for producing great content by pointing people to their content.

NOTE: You can learn more about the reasoning behind why we curate the best articles for you here: The Proverbial Needle In A Haystack.

About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.