9 Advanced Strategies to Help You Get More Traffic in 2019 (VIDEO)
Your Website Is Worthless Without Traffic
- Can you imagine having a business that no one ever visited?
- Or imagine paying for an ad that no one ever sees?
- How about having a radio ad that no one ever heard?
Would you be happy with any of these things? Would you allow these situations to stay the same? Oh course not!
Then why are so many businesses willing to have a website that hardly anyone ever visits? It makes no more sense than any of these other situations.
Without website visitor (i.e. traffic), your website is worthless and a waste of time. It doesn’t matter how cool it looks or how many “bells and whistles” that it has.
No of those things matter unless you have traffic.
Once you realize this very important truth that many businesses forget, you’re then ready to ask an important question…
How Do You Get More Traffic to Your Website?
The basic way to get more traffic to website really comes down to three simple things:
- Make sure that people know that your website exists
- Give people a reason to visit your website
- Give them a reason to come back (and keep coming back)
If you figure out to accomplish these three things, and continue to accomplish them, then you website will keep seeing more and more visitors.
These three things are simple but they aren’t necessarily easy. Why? Because the things that used to work to get traffic don’t work as well anymore:
Create a Facebook pageStart a blogShare your content on social media
These basic traffic generating methods don’t work as well as they used to. That means that if you’re going to get more traffic in 2019, then you’re going to need some advanced techniques and methods.
Good News for People Looking for Advanced Traffic Methods
The good news is that SEO expert, Brian Dean, from Backlinko.com, has put together a great 14:11 minute video that reveals nine unique, advanced, and overlooked traffic generating techniques that most business either don’t know or don’t use.
(I watched the video and learned some techniques that I will implementing on this site and my other sites.)
You can learn more about this video and watch the nine methods below…
How to Get More Traffic in 2019 (9 New Strategies)

Screenshot of Brian from the video
This is how Brian Dean describes his video below…
“In this video I’m going to show you how to get more traffic to your website in 2019.
“In fact, I used these same 9 strategies to get over 2 million visitors to my blog this year. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn:
“First, I’ll show you how to use ‘The Upside Down Guest Post’ and ‘CTT Links’ to get traffic to your blog. These are 2 techniques that helped me blog grow quickly in the early days.
“Next, you’ll learn how to get website traffic… without needing to publish ANY new content.
“Then I’ll teach you how to use an advanced traffic tip called “Share Triggers”. It’s no secret that social media is one of the best ways to get free traffic. And Share Triggers boosts the odds that people share your content on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and more.
“Speaking of social media, you’ll also learn about the absolute best times to share your content (based on a new study).
“Finally, I’ll show you how Content Transformation can help you get more traffic out of the content that you already have sitting around on your blog and on YouTube.
“In the end, you’ll have a handful of actionable strategies that you can use to increase traffic to your website.”