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Customer Service Stats That You Must Know (INFOGRAPHIC)

Many businesses with great products or services still have trouble attracting and keeping customers. Why?

One of the reasons is because of horrible or weak customer service.

Reasons for Bad Customer Service

There are many reasons that your customer service could be failing.

But two reasons in particular are:

1. Bad Systems

I went to the Post Office today and needed to find out my PO box number. (I couldn’t remember it because my phone had died.)

The people who worked there were very kind and eventually figured out what my PO box was, but it took them a while.

Do you know why it took them so long? I found out they didn’t have a digital database for the PO boxes. They only had a PAPER list of the boxes and it was listed by number, NOT alphabetically.

That is a BAD system!

They could have solved my problem much faster with a better system.

If you don’t have modern, efficient, and effective systems set up in your business, then I can guarantee that your customer service is not as good as it could be. It can’t be!

2. Poor Training 

I later went to a local supermarket. (It was a major chain, but I won’t mention the name.) The lady in front of me in line had grabbed a bunch of mini cat food cans because they were on sale.

The problem was that when the checker scanned the cans they came out to $1.25 each. That shocked the woman because they are normally 80 cents a can when they’re not on sale.

The checker then asked a young lady, who was one of her co-workers on the floor, to go and check on the price.

The young lady went to go check on the price and the lady, the checker, and I waited. And waited. And waited!

The young lady took 5-10 minutes and came back and said that she couldn’t find the price! This made the lady in front of me very angry and she yelled at the young lady. (The young lady felt so bad that she was almost in tears.)

That is bad training!

If that young lady was trained better, she would have caused a lot of less stress for the customers and for the young lady.

If you aren’t sufficiently training your staff, then I can guarantee that your customer service is not as good as it could be. Again, it can’t be!

Why Is Customer Service So Important?

The folks over at have put together a really great infographic that reveals why customer service is so important.

They reveal how good customer service can gain you new customers and more money. And they reveal how bad customer service can cost you current customers and cause you to lose money.

In this infographic you’ll discover:

  • How many people happy customers refer
  • How many people that angry customers will tell bad things about your business
  • How happy customers can help you gain new customers
  • How happy customers will pay more for your product or service
  • How dissatisfied customers will leave your business and cause you to lose revenue
  • What to do when your customer service fails
  • What is the most important thing when it comes to customer support
  • How social media can help you to discover if your customer service is failing
  • What more and more customers want when it comes to customer service
  • The benefits of a customer loyalty program
  • How to get/create more loyal customers
  • The importance of automating support
  • How to motivate your staff to provide great customer service

If you’d like to see other blog posts from about customer service, then go here.


About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.