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6 Facebook Ads Secrets That Are Working in 2019 (VIDEO)

Why You Should Use Facebook Ads

Screenshot from Video Below

If you are a business owner and you are NOT using Facebook ads, you need to start using them right away.

Why should you use Facebook ads? There are many reasons, but I will give you three reasons:

  1. Your prospects and customers are on Facebook.
  2. You can easily and specifically target them.
  3. You can do it fairly inexpensively.

Those should be enough reasons to make you want to get started right away.

But before you do, you want to make sure that you learn how to use them in a way that you don’t waste your money.

Well, the good news is that the video below from Wes McDowell from will teach you how to use Facebook ads effectively in 2019.

Facebook Ads in 2019: What’s Working Now! | 6 Secrets to Effective Facebook Ads in 2019

Here’s how he describes the video…

“Facebook ads can be an amazing way to bring new audiences of potential customers to your site. But with ad costs rising, there are a few things you should know about that will increase engagement, and lower the costs of your Facebook ads in 2019.

“When you follow these best practices, people will relate more to your business, share, like and comment more, and Facebook will reward you for it.”

How to Create a Facebook Ad

Some of you might have watched the above video, but you don’t know how to create a Facebook ad.

You want to do some of the things that were suggested in the video, but you’re wondering…

“How do you create a Facebook ad?”

If that’s you, you can learn how to use Facebook advertising from Facebook itself.

Just click here and check out their step-by-step tutorial.


About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.