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The Importance of Powerful Offers: What Many Businesses Overlook

Many business owners don’t realize this but, how you create and state your offer makes ALL the difference.

Not only that, but I would say that many business owners are confused about what an offer actually is.

What Is an Offer? gives this great explanation of an offer…

“An offering in marketing is the total offer to your customers. An offering is more than the product itself and includes elements that represent additional value to your customers, such as availability, convenient delivery, technical support or quality of service. A strong offering differentiates your products from competitors and creates value by meeting customers’ wider needs better than other options.”

So you see, your offer is more than just the product or service that you’re selling.

What Are the Elements of an Effective Offer?

Now that you understand what an offer is, let me share with you a few things that will help you create and state a powerful offer.

1. Describe your offer and benefits

You need to describe what it is that you’re actually offering and why it’s a benefit to your prospects.

2. Determine price or pricing structure

You should describe the value, the price, and any pricing structure you have set up.

3. Use scarcity 

If you really want people to act now and not wait, then you should make your offer scarce in some way (limited amount sold or limited people who can purchase that offer).

4. Harness time-sensitivity

Another way to get people to act now and not wait is to make sure your offer uses time sensitivity (only available for limited times/days).

What You Should Do

Now that understand the importance of offers, I would encourage you to take a look at your business through the lens of “offers.”

Then ask yourself these three questions:

  • Have we created offers for our products or services?
  • How effective are our offers?
  • What are some ways that we could add to our offers and improve our offer?

Test out your new offers for each product or service you offer and see if the results are better worse. Then use the new offers that are more effective and get rid of the offers that aren’t.

If You Would Like Help, Let Me Know

If you would like help in creating offers for your business, then contact me and we can talk.

I’ll let you know how I could help you to create and test some powerful offers and give you an estimate of what it would cost.


About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.