How to Get Your Youtube Videos to “Blow Up” (VIDEO)

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Posting Videos on Youtube is Only the First Step
If you are posting videos on Youtube as a form of content marketing, then you’re already doing more than a lot of businesses.
But you need to do more than just post videos.
You have to figure out how to get subscribers and traffic to those videos.
And that’s not easy.
I know this personally. I started posting some video on Youtube but I need to be more consistent. And I need to figure out how to get subscribers and traffic!
If you’re having the same problem, then you’ll be glad you found this post….
The Overworked Chef Who Became a Youtube Star
In 2000, Brian G. Johnson was an overworked, under paid and appreciated chef struggling to make ends meet.
The internet intrigued him and so he went all in.
Today he’s generated serious results via self-publishing, book marketing, affiliate marketing, SEO and by creating my own digital products.
Well, one of the things he’s learned how to do is get subscribers on Youtube.
As of today, he currently has 66,000 subscribers. And the video below has 80,292 views!
In the video below, Brian reveals some important things you need to do in 2019 if you want to get more subscribers and views on Youtube.
YouTube Algorithm 2019: Why Videos Blow Up
Here’s how Brian describes the video…
“After research, Youtube for over 3 years and publishing well over 300+ videos. It’s become evident that successful videos. That is videos that ‘blow up’ do so based on a number of video metrics that we as creators can focus on. While no one will ever know how the entire YouTube algorithm works, we can identify core elements to focus on. Things like watch time, audience retention, keyword relevance and more.
“With that, it’s my hope that this video sparks a discussion around why videos blow up. More specifically, what we can and should focus on to ensure more of our videos reach the intended audience.”