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20 Digital Marketing Strategies For Small Business (VIDEO)

If You Want Your Small Business to Grow, You Need to Understand Digital Marketing

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If you’re a small business owner and you want to grow your small business and generate more leads, then you need to know how to market effectively.

And these days, that means that you need to understand digital marketing.

In the video below, Adam Erhart shares some 20 digital marketing strategies.

But don’t get overwhelmed by them. Just check 2-3 that you can use right now.

Then come back and try another 2-3 strategies.

20 Digital Marketing Strategies For Small Business (VIDEO)

Here’s how Adam describes this video…

“If you’ve got a small business to run then you know the importance of choosing your digital marketing strategy wisely.

“After all the right digital marketing strategy can either make or break your marketing before it’s even launched, which is why on this episode I’m giving you 20… (yes, 20) of my top Digital Marketing Strategies For Small Businesses for you to choose from so you can build the perfect digital marketing strategy for you and your business.

“Now rather than dive into the nitty-gritty specifics of each and everyone… which would make for a full day viewing affair, I’m going to give you 20 of the top strategies that I’ve seen work wonders for small businesses in order to generate more leads, customers, and sales.

“One more quick note, you’re going to notice some overlap between these, and that’s ok, just pick out the 2, 3, or maybe even 4 areas you think you’re going to be able to shine and focus there to start.

“Some items are going to be high level, and some more specific but this is intentional, because some things need to be looked at on both a macro and a micro level in order to really understand how they might be valuable to your business.

“The goal here is to flood your brain with possibilities so you can see what resonates and what doesn’t enabling you to dive in deeper later on the points you feel would give your business the most bang for your marketing buck.”

Watch the video below…

Would You Like Help with Digital Marketing for Your Small Business?

If you’d like help with your digital marketing (someone to do it for you or to guide you), then contact me and we can talk.

About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.