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The Only Two Ways a Small Business Can Make More Money

Most small business owners are constantly wondering…

What’s the simplest and fastest way for my business to make more money?

Well, I’ve got the answer to that question for you today.

And the good news is that the answer to this question really comes down to just two things.

The Two Primary Ways a Small Business Can Make More Money

There are really only two primary ways a small business can make more money.

1. Get people to buy more

2. Get people to buy more often

That’s it. There’s really no other options! These two things might appear to be really simple, but if you effectively implement them in any small business, you could see a drastic increase in revenue.

Let”s look a little more closely at each of these things so that you can learn how to implement them effectively in your business…

The First Way a Small Business Can Make More Money: Get People to Buy More

The first way that a small business can increase their revenue is by encouraging people to buy more while they’re making their purchase.

There are many ways you can do this, but here are three ways that you can implement this method:

  • Create Bundles or Packaged OffersTwo Examples: McDonald’s offers “meal deals” | A dentist might offer a cleaning, exam, and x-ray for $99
  • Offer Additional Products or Services with Every Purchase –  Two Examples: Car rental places offer insurance plans or the ability to purchase a tank of gas | Cell phone stores offer car chargers, phone cases, and/or insurance
  • Offer an “Upsell Option” for All of Your Main Products or ServicesTwo Examples: A car detailer can offer a deluxe or platinum offer | A furniture store might offer a customer who comes in to buy a cheap, lower quality couch a bigger or higher quality couch

When you do this, you’re increasing the total purchase size per customer.
The benefit of doing this is that your customer is already in the buying mood. 

If you do this honestly, honorably, and effectively, then your customer will walk away happier than if you never offered them these additional things!


  • What products or services can be naturally bundled together in a way that helps my customers?
  • What additional products do my customers normally come back for after a purchase that I can offer them at the point of purchase as an add-on offer?
  • What are some “Deluxe” versions that we can begin to offer our customers?

The Second Way a Small Business Can Make More Money: Get People to Buy More Often

The second way that a small business can increase their revenues is by encouraging customers to come back more often and make more purchases.

There are many ways you can do this, but here are three ways that you can implement this method:

  • Loyalty Programs – Two Examples: A dry cleaner can offer a simple “loyalty” punch-card that entitles the customer to a free dry cleaning after every 10 purchases| A restaurant can offer a simple “loyalty” punch-card that entitles the customer to a free meal after purchasing 12 meals
  • Offer “Customer-Only” DiscountsTwo Examples: In April, a florist might offer their customers a special “Customer’s-Only Mother’s Day Discount” if they come back in a purchase a bouquet of flowers | A plumber can offer every first-time customer a special 25% off offer for the next time they need plumbing work done
  • Call or Email Your Customers and Let Them Know About Special Offers: Two Examples: If a restaurant finds that Tuesdays are slow days for them, they could email their customers a special “Tuesday Discount Day” offer. | If an auto mechanic finds that business is slow in the summer, they could have an assistant call all of their best customers in May and offer them a special “Summer Deluxe Tune-up Offer.”

When you do this, you’re increasing the total number of purchases per customer.
The benefit of doing this is that selling to a customer is much easier and less expensive than selling to a new prospect.

If you do this honestly, honorably, and effectively, then your customer will be happy to purchase from you again.


  • What are some easy, simple, and inexpensive ways we can immediately start rewarding our customers for their loyalty and encourage other customers to be more loyal?
  • What customer discounts can we create that will encourage customers to choose our business instead of another one?
  • Have we been collecting the contact info of our customers? What are some special offers that we can create and contact them about that they would be happy to know about?
About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.