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Coronavirus Shows Need for More Businesses to Have Email Lists

Wow. A lot has happened since my last post just 8 days ago.

Who would’ve thought that the Coronavirus would’ve caused so much chaos, so quickly in our lives?

My last post was called “Every Small Business Should Use Email Marketing” and in it, I explained why every small business should be using email as a part of their marketing.

Well, this current situation reveals another reason why email is such an important tool for small businesses to have.

Why? Because it would allow you to be able to easily and quickly contact your customers, even when you CAN’T talk to them face-to-face.

And it would allow you to do that in a much faster way than calling each individual customer. (Although, that’s something you could/should do along with emailing them.)

Anyway, whether your business has an email list or not, NOW is the time for you to focus on email marketing more than ever.

How Small Business Owners Can Build a Customer Email List

Here are some ways you can begin gathering emails:

  • Ask for your customer’s email address when you’re ringing up (or writing up) their order.
  • If you have their mailing address, you could send them a postcard with a special offer if/when they sign-up to your email list. (Offer something that is low cost for you, but that has a high value to them.)
  • If you have their phone number, then you could call them and make that same special offer to them if/when they sign-up to your email list. (They could give you their email address over the phone.)
  • Make that same offer on your website. How do they receive it? It is automatically sent to them after they join your email list.

Incentives That Business Owners Could Offer to Encourage People to Join Their Email List

You could offer many different types of incentives. The only thing you’re limited by is your imagination and/or your budget.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • You can offer them valuable information. It could be information that you give them via text, audio, or video. You just need to write or record this information.
  • You could offer a discount on a product or service. Make sure that this product or service is valuable to your customers and is something that has a high profit margin so that you can afford to do this.
  • You could offer a free gift. You need to again make sure that what you offer is a desirable product and something you can afford to give away for free. (You need to make sure that the value you will get from being able to make regular offers via email makes up for the cost of giving this gift away.)

What You Will Need to Do Any of These Things Easily and Effectively

In order to do any of these things, you will need to sign-up and pay for an email marketing service.

Again, there are many email services out there. (Google “email services” to see all the ones that are out there.)

But if you want to know what I use, I use a powerful and inexpensive service called Aweber.


Free Trial Aweber Email Marketing Service 

If you’d like a free trial of the service I use, then you can sign-up with them below.

(Contact me if/when you do sign-up and I can walk you through the basics of how to use the service.)

Send Email. Connect With Customers. Grow Your Business.

With AWeber, you get all the email marketing tools you need to create and send beautiful and engaging emails. For a behind-the-scenes look at how you can use AWeber, sign up to our Test Drive email series:

*AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: I proudly feature affiliate links for some products that I love. It adds no extra cost to you, but enables me to earn a commission if you purchase. This is just one way I can continue to provide you with valuable information on this site.

About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.