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About is the brain-child of Founder and CEO Scott Aughtmon.  Scott is a business strategist, a “business recession solution expert” , an author, a speaker, a “content creation specialist” and “spiritual entrepreneur”. You can find Scott here on: Google+, Twitter, (and also on Twitter here), and LinkedIn.

You can read some of his articles on these sites:

If you would like to write a guest post for this blog, then please contact us through our contact page for more information.

Free  1-Hour Consulting Call for Business Owners

“Our one hour call with Scott was invaluable to me and my team. Scott has clearly invested a significant amount of time in mastering the craft of marketing, applying insights based on his professional experience and exhaustive reading of the literature. In particular, his marketing diagnostic worksheet yielded several practical insights that my company can begin applying today to increase our brand credibility and online visibility. I plan to work with Scott in the future and would unhesitatingly recommend him to any company looking to bring onboard a marketing expert as part of their growth strategy.” 
  -Aaron Polhamus, Co-Founder, Polhooper Strategic 

Two More Testimonials about Scott

Joe Pulizzi, the founder of who is one of the leading thought leaders behind the content marketing and social media movement said this about my writing for his site

Scott has consistently been one of our top authors at the Content Marketing Institute. His posts are timely, fact-driven and almost always drive a high-level of discussion. Scott’s ’21 Types of Content We Crave’ inforgraphic post on CMI was one of our most popular posts of the year!”

“Scott Aughtmon is a masterful writer with a unique skill of engaging his audience through business storytelling. In today’s 24/7, over-messaged world, Scott is able to cut through the cacophony and create connection. Content marketing and business storytelling work. Learn how to do it from one of the best, Scott Aughtmon.” 
– Sandra Zoratti is an Author, Speaker and Marketer 

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