When using social media to market your brand, how many times have you been tempted to just scream out the message about your upcoming sale or promotion? How many times have [Read more...]
You might want to think before you start “pinning.” Gee, I can’t spend any time on social media anymore without running in to something about [Read more...]
How your website was designed can either encourage people to do business with you, or turn them away. By looking at some basic, critical factors, you can improve the rate at which people decide to do business with you. [Read more...]
The book I want to highlight today is for anyone who really wants to understand the true power of social media today. Let me start by giving a basic explanation of social [Read more...]
If you are a business owner who doesn’t think that you have time to blog, then I have a powerful alternative for you. It’s called “curation.” The [Read more...]