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An Email Checklist From Seth Godin

Pilots use checklists so they don’t ever forget something important.  Checklists can also be helpful in business.

Check out this post called “Email checklist” by Seth Godin to learn from a great checklist that can help you with one-on-one emails or emails to your lists…


“Before you hit send on that next email, perhaps you should run down this list, just to be sure:”

  1. “Is it going to just one person? (If yes, jump to #10)
  2. Since it’s going to a group, have I thought about who is on my list?
  3. Are they blind copied?
  4. Did every person on the list really and truly opt in? Not like sort of, but really ask for it?
  5. So that means that if I didn’t send it to them, they’d complain about not getting it?”

Click here to read the other 31 great emailing tips from Seth Godin on

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.