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Podcast: How To Use Content Marketing To Apply The “7 Marketing Touches” Principle

I have something special for you today.

It’s a short 6:25 minute podcast I recorded for my site awhile back that will teach you a very important concept.

The concept is the about how to use content marketing to apply the classic “7 marketing touches” that marketers say we must use.

Podcast: How To Use Content Marketing To Apply The “7 Marketing Touches” Principle

One well-known marketing principle is that you need, on average, 7 marketing touches before your marketing gets through to someone.  That means it takes minimally 7 marketing touches to produce a sale.  Content Marketing To Apply The “7 Marketing Touches” Principle

I believe this is true today more than ever.

In fact, with how flooded our lives have become with marketing and advertising hitting us from all directions, we probably need much more than 7 touches.

Why?  Because with so much information coming at us we’ve learned to block most of it out.

Even if we see an ad, and have interest in what is being offered, we usually will forget about it unless we act on it right away.

The problem is that nowadays we’re all much less trusting of people, businesses, and organizations.  We’ve been burned too many times by false promises to believe everyone.

This keeps us from acting on things right away, because we don’t want to look stupid.


We want to wait and find out more about this thing, person, or service.  We want to make sure we don’t move too quickly and look stupid.

That’s why multiple marketing touches are needed today.  

But the question is: how does a business do that nowadays – without looking pushy and without being drowned out from all the other marketing noise?

Content marketing is the perfect way to create these touches.  Why?


Listen To The Audio And You’ll Learn:

  • 3 lessons about the effectiveness of content marketing to produce marketing touches that I discovered while reading the book “Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything. by Joshua Foer. (*Affiliate link)
  • How content marketing uses gains attention and focus to amplify our marketing touches.
  • 3 forms of powerful content marketing

(*Remember it’s only 6:25 minutes long!)


My other posts from that I referred to in this podcast:

P.S. This is why I have been repeating my special offers (here & here) for you to purchase and watch my “21 Types of Content We Crave” that ends tonight at midnight. I don’t want you to miss seeing it or forget it and miss out. 
P.P.P.S. Here’s the latest testimonial about the webinar:
“If you are involved in content creation in any way, 21 Types of Content We Crave is for you.  It not only shows you what works, but why.  In just a short time this webinar will help anyone learn to break through all the other noise and “content clutter” out there by creating powerful stories that people remember and want to share.”

– Joe Basques, Vice President Footwasher Media / Co-host “The Power of Story”

Photo by ToastyKen.
About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.