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Expert Post: The Blog Post That Won’t Change Your Life

the power of books

I appreciate you checking out this post even knowing clearly that it won’t change your life.

It might not even change your behavior (though I hope it will). In fact you probably won’t even remember reading it by the time tomorrow comes.

Why is that?

Because, like the GEICO commercial, it can’t, it’s a blog post.

There are probably over 200 million blogs on the internet by now and some of them are extremely well-written. I happen to follow a good deal regularly.

But how many do you think are actually changing lives?

You might argue that blogs aren’t about changing lives. If you did argue that, I would agree with you completely.

Blogs change lives about as often as magazines and television programs do, which is rarely.

Do you know what media does change lives? Books.

Here’s a real-life example. We’re now well in to 2013. At this point I’ve probably read at least 100 blog posts.

I’m trying to recall some of them and, frankly, very few are coming to mind. Of the ones I can remember it’s the case that none of them changed my life.

Now how about the books I’ve read. Well, the latest one I’ve read is called The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. It’s about a process that one can follow to start their day, every day. You begin by getting up about 30 minutes earlier than you do normally.

After waking you do some combination of reading, meditating, affirming, exercising, journaling and visualizing.

It’s powerful and gets you off on the right foot. Just like many say breakfast is your most important meal, this book avers that your first minutes of the day are your most important and you should spend them wisely.

Even before I finished reading the book I started my miracle morning routine. Yes, you’re ahead of me now – the book changed my life. I’ve now finished the book and haven’t stopped this new regimen.

It’s been a thought in my mind for a long time that I should get up earlier, but had only a vague notion of what I would do with the extra time besides look at my email that much earlier.

I’ve also wanted to start exercising again for eons. And now I am. It feels terrific and my confidence in my ability to have a great day every day is steadily rising.

I also picked up the book  The New Relationship Marketing by Mari Smith once again and this time I’ll finish it. Before breakfast.

Lastly, it’s been a goal to read the bible daily for longer than I care to say though God knows the answer. I’ve now been doing that since I started my miracle morning.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s a miracle yet, but one thing is for sure: this book reaffirmed my faith in the ability of books to change lives.

So, dear reader, I appreciate you being with me through this blog post. And, I sincerely hope you’ll read more of my posts.

But, please, don’t stop reading books because you’re simply too busy reading posts and tweets, looking at pictures and watching videos, and listening to podcasts.

Because, chances are, they won’t change your life.


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About michael neuendorff (17 Articles)
Michael Neuendorff has been working with small business owners and independent professionals since 2008 to grow professionally. His areas of specialty are speaking, social, strategy and sales. Michael owns a Growth Coach franchise in the Bay Area as well as Speak Well and Sell. He is also adjunct faculty in the Business Division of Skyline College in San Bruno, CA. Michael has 20+ years of sales and marketing experience; extensive team building and leadership experience; teaching, training and mentoring experience and a proven ability to think creatively and listen deeply. Check the blog for business growth ideas. Attend an upcoming seminar or workshop. Read the latest issue of my acclaimed newsletter. * Michael is a 2BH contributor, so stay tuned for future articles from him.