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This Technology Has Just Created A New, Faster Way To Read

spritz reading app

Spritz is company behind an innovative text streaming technology that’s built to reinvent the way people read.

Spritz’s patent-pending technology enhances reading on mobile and wearable devices by streaming individual words using the “Optimal Recognition Point” (ORP) in a special display called the “Redicle.”

This method makes communication faster, easier and more effective by removing the inefficient eye movements associated with traditional reading.

The first use of Spritz will be implemented in an email application for the Samsung Gear 2 and Galaxy S5 smartphone.

With the growth of wearable devices, Spritz’s patent-pending technology will enable Samsung device users to read emails comfortably and conveniently- one streaming word at a time.

Spritz is uniquely designed for small screens. The technology removes the inconvenience of scrolling, swiping, squinting and pinching to read on your devices by streaming individual words, one by one, at the user’s desired speed. 

“We’re reinventing the way people read by eliminating the obstacles associated with traditional reading on mobile devices,” said Co-Founder and CEO Frank Waldman.

“As smart devices continue to change shape and become increasingly smaller, Spritz enables users to read comfortably and conveniently. Our technology can be used to read emails, text messages, social media streams, maps or web content and can be integrated onto any mobile device – the options are almost limitless. Reading has never been easier, more efficient or more effective.”

How Spritz Works

Spritz’s technology streams individual words inside of a special display called the “Redicle,” which helps the eyes to position themselves precisely at the recognition point for each word.

The most time-consuming part of reading is the eye movement from word to word.

By applying their new method of word alignment that’s based on the science of how people traditionally recognize words while reading, Spritz takes eye movement out of the equation, allowing much more to be read in the same amount of time.

Spritz provides proprietary algorithms to identify how long to display words and sentences, providing an unparalleled natural reading experience. 

Spritz technology currently supports English, Spanish, French, German, Russian and Korean, with more languages on the way.

With multiple reading speeds to match a user’s comfort level ranging from 100 to 1000 words per minute, “spritzing” is easy to learn for all ages.

Users typically become accustomed to reading in this new format within a few minutes of their first spritz.

Available with the release of the Samsung Galaxy S5 and Gear 2, Spritz offers licensing options for its integration within operating systems, applications, websites and wearable technologies.

Try It Yourself

You can try it below by reading at 250 words per minute. (NOTE: Keep your eyes focused on the red letters in the middle.)


Once you feel comfortable at that speed, try it below at 350 words per minute.

spritz reader

How This Can Help You as a Business Owner

As a business owner, you need to be reading to continue learning, growing, and improving.

This technology could help you do just that!

Spritz reader images from Imgur,com 

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.