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2 Overlooked Things That Business Owners Must Do And How Content Marketing Can Achieve Them

As business owners, there are two often-overlooked things that you must do:

1. You need to make sure that your prospects and customers remember you when they need what you’re selling.

2. You need to make sure that customers experience your products or services in a way that is unique from other products and services in your same category.


Because if they don’t remember you when they need what you offer, then you might as well not exist.

And if their experience with your products and services isn’t different than any similar product or service, then there’s no reason to choose what you offer over what your competition offers.

The good news is that content marketing can help you do both of these things.

Below are links to two blog posts that I’ve written that explain how to use content marketing to do both of these things.

powerful ways to use content marketing

1. Make Your Business Memorable

This is a blog post that I wrote for that will show you 5 ways you can use content marketing to become more memorable.

5 Ways to Make Your Content Marketing More Memorable

What I am about to tell you might, at first, be shocking, but please hear me out. Because once you understand the full impact of this truth, it could change how you create content — and how positively it impacts your business.

You might think that one of the reasons your business isn’t more successful is because prospects and customers are rejecting you.

The fact is that this is probably not true. (Unless you have a generic or lousy product, then you’re right. They are rejecting you.) The real reason you’re not more successful could be something as simple as this: They don’t remember you.

Let me tell you a story to illustrate just how important memory is to successful content marketing…



2. Make Your Customer Experience Memorable

This is a blog post that I wrote on my other website

It reveals 3 ways you can use content marketing to influence the experience your customers have with your products or services.

Content Marketing And Its Overlooked Ability To Influence Customer Experience

I am an idea person.

Insights come to me all of the time and they can come from surprising sources.

But on this particular morning that I am about to tell you about, I didn’t expect to get an important insight into the power of content marketing.

I was just expecting to eat breakfast.

Let me explain…

I woke up one Saturday morning and learned that my wife had made breakfast for my sons.

As I came stumbling into the kitchen in a half-awake stupor, she asked me if I wanted some “flapjacks”.

I thought, “That was weird. I’ve never heard her use that word before.”
So I replied, “You mean ‘pancakes’, right?”

She said, “No, They’re flapjacks. Actually they’re called ‘Kodiak Cakes’ and they’re really good!” (My kids, who were already sitting at the table and eating them, agreed that they were really good.)

I said, “Kodiak Cakes? What are those?”

She then set the box on the table and said, “Read the back…”



Photo by katerha

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.