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Expert Feature: What Have You Gone Blind to in Your Business?

blind to problems

Awhile ago I read a great book called, Unthinking: The surprising forces behind what we buy. 

In the book internationally acclaimed marketer Harry Beckwith shares a story about what I’d call “negative familiarity”.

And it’s something that I believe all business owners need to take to heart.

Listen to this story and then I’ll explain why…

The Frightening Night in the Guest Room

“One evening on Friday, January 26, 1968, Jeff Greendorfer and his college roommate arrived at his roommate’s home on a cliff on the northern Oregon coast. It was Jeff’s first visit to Oregon’s coast, but he knew the Pacific Ocean well, having grown up minutes from it in San Francisco. To give Jeff the full benefit of his visit, the hosts assigned him the green room, from which he was able to look out its floor-to-ceiling window and see thirty miles out to sea.

“That night was Jeff’s last in the room.

“The next morning at breakfast, Jeff apologized to the three hosts. He felt grateful for being given the room with the best view in the house but couldn’t sleep there again. “The waves sound so loud, they kind of scare me.

“Jeff’s announcement startled his hosts. They’d lived alongside the ocean for decades, so the ocean sounded different to them: it did not sound at all.

“Jeff’s hosts had experience what psychologists call “perceptual adaptation”: they’d adapted to what they heard to the point they no longer heard it….

“Jeff’s hosts no longer noticed the crash of the waves on the rocks below.”

Then Beckwith gets to the part that applies to what we’re talking about today…

“Familiarity breeds numbness. This is why we often struggle in marriage. Each partner becomes habituated; we notice less, which causes us to appreciate less. This also explains why receiving a gift at an unexpected time makes us smile for several days, but a birthday gift – being expected – usually touches us less.

“We love what is familiar, and then we don’t. Familiarity eventually breeds fatigue, but until that occurs, we crave what is familiar and recoil at what is not…”

Ok so you’re now probably wondering…

What does this have to do with business owner? How can I apply this in my business?”

Negative Familiarity’s Impact on Your Business

Negative familiarity doesn’t just apply to marriages.

It applies in all areas of life.

We become blind and numb to the things that are always around us.

This has negative and positive applications for our businesses:


  • What problems have you gone blind to in your business?
  • What weaknesses have you gone blind to?
  • What people have you stopped appreciating?
  • What voices have you stopped hearing?
  • What gifts have you stopped recognizing in your employees?
  • What opportunities are you blind to that are right in front of you?
  • What needs do your prospects or customers have that you can’t see?
  • What have you stopped being thankful for?

We need to take time to see and feel anew all of the good, the bad, the opportunities, and needs that are in front of us.

That’s the only way we can do something about them!

Related article


P.S. I discovered three keys that can help you to seize back some of your time and gain back your ability to focus.

They can help to carve out space in your day to really think about your goals. They’re what the greats throughout history have used to help them achieve so much.

I recorded these keys and am calling them The 3 Keys to Increased Focus, Efficiency, and Creativity. I offered this recording for sale last year for $56.

You can now get the recording as a FREE bonus when you buy my new book called 51 Content Marketing Hacks.


NOTE: 2BH always uses affiliate links to Amazon, but we never recommend a book simply for the commission.  (It’s not big enough to be worth that.)  We just think that Amazon might as well cover an occasional Starbucks drink for us in exchange for sending people to buy books from them!  :)

**If it bothers you that the links above are affiliate links, then copy the title above and go to here.  No commission will be given to us if you use the link in the previous sentence.  The book is worth it for you to get it either way!


Photo by SkyFireXII


About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.