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Featured #Podcast: Small Business Marketing Hour – Ep 7 Dan Kennedy & Jay Abraham

It’s been awhile since we’ve shared a new post in this section, but this section of our site called “Featured Podcast”.

What is the purpose of this section of our site?

With so many podcasts that are out there these days, I thought I’d make it easier for you to find great content by featuring an episode from many of the great podcasts out there.

(NOTE: You can listen to other featured podcasts of the week by clicking here.)

The podcast for today is “GKIC Small Business Marketing Hour.” 

I am posting it for you, because Dan and Jay are marketing legends who will expand the way you think of business and marketing by listening to their way of thinking and their methods.

Here’s the Description of  the “GKIC Small Business Marketing Hour” Podcast

GKIC Small Business Marketing Hour Podcast

GKIC is THE global community of entrepreneurs providing cutting edge, market tested business and marketing mentorship, ideas, solutions, products and support in order to maximize the success of our members. A business haven for businessmen and women, surrounded by business experts and a network of similar minded entrepreneurs on parallel life and business journeys. To learn more about GKIC and GKIC Membership visit us at:

Here is their Description of This Episode: “Ep 7 Dan Kennedy & Jay Abraham”

In this episode of the Small Business Marketing Hour, we bring you two legends, Dan Kennedy & Jay Abraham, and they talk candidly about their experiences as marketers, their expertise in entrepreneurship and their view of the world today.

To learn more about GKIC and how we can help grow your business, please visit us at
Or call us at: (800) 871 0147

Why you will want to listen:

  • You’ll learn about Jay’s concept of “The Strategy of Preeminence”
  • Who you’re really competing against, besides direct competitors
  • How/why you should take leadership in your industry
  • Why becoming a “trusted advisor” makes you morally obligated to sell more to your prospects
  • The importance of nuances in marketing
  • How he uses leverage to create business breakthroughs
  • And more

Our Last Featured Podcast

Freakanomics – How a Restaurant Eliminated Tips, Increased Prices, and Redistributed the Wealth

About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.