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11 Lead Magnets Any Business Can Use to Grow an Email List of Interested Prospects

How to Grow an Email List of Interested Prospects

One of the most effective ways to grow an email list of interested prospects is by providing some information that interested prospects can sign-up by email to get access to.

Here is how describes the importance of lead generation…

Why is Lead Generation Important?

“Lead generation is very important for the growth of a business. The buying process has changed and marketeers need to rethink and refocus their efforts in order to stay relevant. If people demonstrate to you that they are interested in your business, when you go to contact them about your offering they are no longer a stranger– but rather a true sales prospect who has “told” you they are interested in your product or service.”

What Are Lead Magnets?

The information that you offer to prospects in exchange for their email address (and sometimes other information) is called a “lead magnet.

It is called this because this information is a “magnet” used to attract the leads your business hopes to convert into customers, clients, etc.

11 Lead Magnet Examples That Any Business Can Use to Grow an Email List of Interested Prospects

  1. Coupons (
  2. Turn Your Best Blog Post into a PDF Download or Report 
  3. Webinar (
  4. A free email series (
  5. Quiz, Assessment, or Test (
  6. Create a Quick PDF Checklist to Match Your Blog Post (
  7. A private Facebook group (
  8. Give Away a Piece of Product – Hint: Chapter of Your Book
  9. Free software (
  10. Cheat Sheet (
  11. Free Consultation (

NOTE: Click any of the links above and you can learn more about that type of lead magnet and about a lot of other types of lead magnets..

Grab Your Copy of My Report…
“6 Posts on How to Generate Better Leads and Convert More to Future Sales”

Did you think I could put together a post about lead generation and lead magnets without offering you something to sign-up for? 🙂

So I decided to compile a quick report for you of six of our posts that will help you to:

  • Think about lead generation in new and powerful ways
  • How to use LinkedIn to generate leads
  • How blogging can help you to generate more leads
  • Why focusing only on people who are ready to buy today is a HUGE mistake
  • 5 questions you need to begin asking your customers right now
  • 5 questions that you need to begin asking prospects who DON’T buy from you
  • And more

You can learn all of these things in our 21-page report called, “6 Posts on How to Generate Better Leads and Convert More to Future Sales.”

Sign-up below and you’ll automatically be emailed the download link…

Sign-up  below to grab a FREE copy of our report…

“6 Posts on How to Generate Better Leads and Convert More to Future Sales”

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About Scott Aughtmon (1958 Articles)
I’m author of the book 51 Content Marketing Hacks. I am also a regular contributor to and I am the person behind the popular infographic 21 Types of Content We Crave. I’m a business strategist, consultant, content creation specialist, and speaker. I’ve been studying effective marketing and business methods (both online and offline) since 1999. ===> If you would like to see ways that we could work together, then please click here to learn more.