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Expert Feature: Sell More With This Technique (VIDEO)

1 in 7 of You Are Involved in This

I’ve heard that approximately 1 in 7 people in the US are involved in selling a product or service.

That’s a very large number.

This post is for every salesperson who wants to sell more.

Of course, there are hundreds of ideas on how to sell more. I’m going to share one really important way that is a surefire way.

It’s really unfortunate how many sales could be made if only the seller knew better what to say when it was time to present the product or service in a way that makes the buyer want to buy.

When I train salespeople there’s one step where I share the “magic technique”.

I call it that because it works like magic to convince someone they need what’s being sold.

However, it’s important to understand that this technique only works when the salesperson has listened very carefully and come to the conclusion that they truly have something that will solve some key problems the buyer has.

Watch the video below to learn my magic technique.

As you can see, the technique is fairly straightforward, but I must say I’ve encountered so many salespeople who don’t use it.

My First Child and the Electronics Salesman

I recall when my first child was nearly born my wife and I wanted to buy a new digital camera and video camera.

We went to our local electronics store. We found a digital camera quickly, but couldn’t decide on a video camera.

We settled upon two Sony models. They were $100 apart.

We couldn’t figure out which one was better for us. So, we asked a salesperson for help.

My question was to understand the difference between the two models.

The salesperson leaned in, read the feature cards for the two cameras and then turned to me and read the features aloud.

I was stunned.

Did he think I couldn’t read? Had he received no training on the product?

I knew this was going to be a big waste of time so I got rid of him quickly and made my own decision.

He could have sold us so easily if he’d known his product and applied the magic technique.

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About michael neuendorff (17 Articles)
Michael Neuendorff has been working with small business owners and independent professionals since 2008 to grow professionally. His areas of specialty are speaking, social, strategy and sales. Michael owns a Growth Coach franchise in the Bay Area as well as Speak Well and Sell. He is also adjunct faculty in the Business Division of Skyline College in San Bruno, CA. Michael has 20+ years of sales and marketing experience; extensive team building and leadership experience; teaching, training and mentoring experience and a proven ability to think creatively and listen deeply. Check the blog for business growth ideas. Attend an upcoming seminar or workshop. Read the latest issue of my acclaimed newsletter. * Michael is a 2BH contributor, so stay tuned for future articles from him.